Entries in Exhibit Hall and Livestock Show
All entry forms are due at the fair office by 4 pm on the Monday prior to the Fair.
Online entries are due by Noon on Tuesday the week of the fair.
Only entries with Spencerville Agricultural Society Entry Tags will be accepted.
Exhibitors wishing to have entry tags sent to them should enclose a self-addressed sufficiently stamped envelope with their entry form allowing time for return mail delivery.
All Exhibitors must obtain an Exhibitor’s number from the Secretary (phone, email or in person)
All Exhibitors excluding Churches, 4-H and Junior Work and Special Needs pay $10.00 Exhibitor Fee to the Spencerville Agricultural Society for the current year.
All Exhibitors to have paid an Exhibitor Fee before exhibiting articles.
HST is included in all Exhibitor Fees and Fair shares.
Prize money is to be divided equally in the case of a tie.
Any persons who shall interfere with the Judges while in the discharge of their duties, or who shall afterwards, on the premises of the Society, use any contemptuous or abusive language to any Judge in consequence of any award made by him, or any person willfully violating any of the rules of this Society, shall forfeit his right to any premiums to which he might otherwise be entitled. Judges are requested to report such to the Secretary.
Prize money is to be mailed after the Fair.
Cheques will not be issued for prize money under $2.00.
All cheques issued by the Spencerville Agricultural Society must be presented at a bank on or before the end of the current year or the prize money will be forfeited.
Online entry is available at www.spencervillefair.ca.
Exhibitor Fees for next year will NOT be retained from an Exhibitor’s winnings.
Fair share 20% off all prize money except for Junior Work.
All exhibits must be brought in between 6 pm to 9 pm on Wednesday night before the Fair opens or Thursday morning between 8 am and 10 am.
Judging commences Thursday of the Fair at 10:00 am sharp.
The Exhibit building will close Sunday 4:00 pm allowing time for Directors to dismantle and collect exhibits.
The Exhibit building will reopen Sunday at 4:30 pm for Exhibitors to collect their exhibits.
No exhibits shall be removed until after Sunday 4:30 pm - No Exceptions.
Unclaimed exhibits will become property of the Fair Board after Sunday 6 pm.
All exhibits must be owned and registered in the name of the Exhibitor and not the name of their business or farm.
All produce must be raised by the Exhibitor and be this year’s production.
All articles must be the bona fide property of the Exhibitor in whose name they are entered.
No exhibitor may enter more than one item in a section.
No smoking or vaping in the exhibit hall.
All Exhibits must be owned and registered in the name of the exhibitor and not the name of their business or farm unless stated otherwise in the class.
All animals must be the bona fide property of the member in whose name they are entered.
The ownership of animals as well as the ages of all animals must be sworn, if required by any Director.
Under no circumstances should an animal exhibiting signs of transmittable disease be taken to the Spencerville Fair. The show committee and other Fair officials have the right to refuse entry of any animal showing signs of an infectious skin disease (e.g. warts, ringworm). If a vet check is required, it will be at the expense of the exhibitor.
ANY livestock (dairy or beef cattle, sheep) that does not have the required intact/undamaged CFIA tag or identifier will not be allowed entry to our Fair grounds and must leave immediately.
Exhibitors of livestock must have their own liability insurance of $2,000,000.00.
No animal will be allowed to compete for more than one prize in any class except for a special prize.
Animals must not compete in any class except that set apart for them.
No exhibitor will be allowed more than two entries in any horse section.
No Poultry and Small Animal exhibits shall be removed from the grounds until after Sunday at 4:30 pm. No exceptions.
Absolutely no late entries on the day of the show.
All livestock Exhibitors report to and enter at Livestock Gate # 1. Parking is available.
Horses must be on the grounds by 9 am unless otherwise stated.
All animals must be secured from running at large on the Fair grounds.
No smoking or vaping in any of the barns and the arena.
No livestock passes will be issued - on the day of the livestock show names of registered exhibitors will be present at the livestock gate and used to provide entrance to the fair grounds
The number of included entrances to the Fair ground is reflected by the number of livestock present in the trailer/truck.
Cattle – one admission for 1 to 4 animals; one admission for each additional 4 animals.
Goats and Sheep - one admission for 1 to 8 animals; one admission for each additional 8 animals.
Light horses – two admissions for 1 or 2 animals; one admission for each additional 2 animals up to maximum of four admissions.
Heavy horses – three admissions for 1 or 2 animals; one admission each additional animal up to maximum of six admissions.
Poultry and Small Animals – one admission for 15 or more entries.