Drummond Building
Friday, September 12th, 2025, at 6:30 PM
Coordinator: Liz Oosterhof
Honorary for Ambassador competition: Carol Butcher
Email: spencervillefairambassador@gmail.com
The Spencerville Agricultural Society is proud to present our annual Spencerville Fair Royalty Show! We have compiled our three representative competitions into one amazing show. So, come on out on Friday night and sit back and watch us reign in the next Little Sir & Little Miss, Junior Ambassador and Ambassador of the 170th Spencerville Fair! The show starts at 6:30 pm Sharp! For competition information please see the three divisions below.
Meet the 2024-2025 Spencerville Fair Royalty
Little Sir & Little Miss Competition
Coordinator: Liz Oosterhof
Email: SpencervilleFairAmbassador@gmail.com
25th Annual Competition (began in 1999)
Contestant Criteria:
Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Contestants must be ages 6 - 9 years old as of September 12th, 2025.
Must have familiarity or history with the Fair.
Contestants are to arrive at the Drummond Building on Friday night at 6:00pm. The Spencerville Fair Royalty show will begin at 6:30 pm sharp!
Competition is limited to 5 contestants per category
Previous Little Sir & Little Miss winners may not compete again.
Interviews for the Little Sir & Little Miss competition will be held in the evening during the week of the fair. Contestants will schedule a preferred time to meet with our panel of judges.
Contestants will be judged on the following:
Public Introduction
Interview (held before the competition)
Answer to impromptu Question
Consideration will also be given to overall personality, appearance, enthusiasm, and community involvement.
Little Sir and Little Miss winners must be available to ride in the Parade on Saturday morning and to present ribbons at the Fair events over the weekend.
For anyone wishing to register as a competitor, please obtain a copy of the registration form on the website by August 31st, 2025. Email: spencervillefairambassador@gmail.com with questions.
Sign Up Below
Junior Ambassador Competition
Coordinator: Liz Oosterhof
Email: SpencervilleFairAmbassador@gmail.com
13th Annual Competition (began in 2012)
Contestant Criteria:
Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Contestants must be ages 10– 17 years old as of September 12, 2025.
Must have familiarity or history with the Fair.
Contestants are to arrive at the Drummond Building on Friday night at 6:00 pm. The Spencerville Fair Royalty show will begin at 6:30 pm sharp!
The competition is limited to 5 entrants.
Contestants will prepare a speech 1½ minute in length, on the topic of:
“This year celebrates 170 years of the Spencerville Fair. So much has changed in the world since the first Spencerville Fair in 1855. How do you think the Fair can celebrate its history while involving youth and appealing to its younger patrons?”Junior Ambassador and Runner up will receive the following cash prize:
1st: $125.00; 2nd: $75.00Interviews for the Junior Ambassador competition will be held in the evening during the week of the Fair. Contestants will schedule a preferred time to meet with our panel of judges.
Contestants will be judged on the following:
Public Introduction
Interview (held before the competition).
Prepared Speech
Answer to impromptu Question
Consideration will also be given to overall personality, appearance, enthusiasm, and community involvement.
Junior Ambassador and 1st Runner Up must be available to ride in the Parade on Saturday Morning. Junior Ambassador is asked to present ribbons at the Fair events over the weekend, plus attend additional events throughout the year.
For anyone wishing to register as a competitor please obtain a copy of the registration form on the website by August 31st. Email: spencervillefairambassador@gmail.com with questions.
Sign Up Below
Ambassador Competition
Coordinator: Liz Oosterhof
Email: SpencervilleFairAmbassador@gmail.com
Honorary - Carole Butcher
46th Annual Competition (began in 1979)
Contestant Criteria:
Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Must be 18 – 26 years of age as of September 12, 2025.
Contestants must have familiarity or history with the Fair.
Contestants are to arrive at the Drummond Building on Friday night at 6:00 pm. The Spencerville Fair Royalty show will begin at 6:30 pm sharp!
The competition is limited to 5 entrants.
Contestants will prepare a speech 1½ minute in length, on the topic of:
"This year marks the 170th anniversary of the Spencerville Fair—a celebration of rich traditions and proud achievements. How can we honor this legacy while embracing innovation to meet future needs and ensure the fair remains a cherished highlight of our community?”
Bursaries will be awarded to the top three finalists. 1st: $1,000.00; 2nd: $300.00; 3rd: $200.00
The winner will receive $500 on the night of the competition, and an additional $500 at the end of their term.
Interviews for the Ambassador competition will be held in the evening during the week of the Fair. Contestants will schedule a preferred time to meet with our panel of judges.
Contestants will be judges on the following:
Public Introduction
Interview (Held on the Thursday evening before the competition).
Prepared Speech
Answer to Impromptu Question
Consideration will also be given to overall personality, appearance, enthusiasm, and community involvement.
*Note - If you are enrolled in college or university, please inform the coordinator to make accommodations for interview times.
Ambassador and 1st Runner Up must be available to ride in the Parade on Saturday Morning. The Ambassador must present ribbons at the Fair events over the weekend, plus attend Local and Provincial events throughout the year.
For anyone wishing to register as a competitor please obtain a copy of the registration form on the website and submit it by August 31st. Email: spencervillefairambassador@gmail.com with questions.