Through the Spencerville Fair and other events put on throughout the year, your Spencerville Agricultural Society promotes agriculture and rural traditions, while giving back to your community.
Join us for our regular meetings held on the second Monday of every month.
For more information contact (613) 653-3333 or info@spencervillefair.ca
This year, the Spencerville Agricultural Society is celebrating 170 years of bringing our community together and sharing what we love about Spencerville with the surrounding areas. Fall fairs were traditionally where communities came together to celebrate the harvest and showcase the best of their livestock, garden produce, baking and home crafts. While our fair has changed and grown over the years, we are proud to continue these traditions while also adding in some modern attractions and events.
The Spencerville Agricultural Society is made up of a group of passionate volunteers. We come from various backgrounds but are all dedicated to the continued success of our fair and other community driven activities such as our Ladies Night, Fairly Funny Frolic, Father’s Day Car Show, Chinese Dinner and Breakfast with Santa. If you would like to join our group of amazing volunteers, please reach out to volunteer@spencervillefair.ca. We are always looking for volunteers throughout the year, but especially at fair time! High school students, this is a great opportunity to get your community hours. Additionally, we are always looking for new ideas and suggestions to make our events bigger and better. Please reach out and/or attend a meeting, which are advertised on our social media and website.
As a life-long Spencerville Fair attendee and exhibitor, I am very excited to celebrate our 170th with everyone as you come home to your fair!
A Message From Our President
Rebecca Lawrence, President
President 2025 - 2027
A Message From Our Ambassador
Hello! My name is Danika Carmichael and I am honored to the 44th Spencerville Fair Ambassador. It has become almost like a right of passage in my family as my mother held her reign back in the 90’s and my sisters were ambassadors in more recent years. The Spencerville Fair has always been a part of my life; from being a Baby Show contestant to exhibiting my 4-H project animals, even while in university, to driving derby cars with my brothers. The Spencerville Fair is a place where our community comes together as one to celebrate our accomplishments over the year; Where you connect with old friends and make memories that live on forever.
As your Spencerville Fair ambassador, I had a very busy Spencerville fair weekend. Our 2024 Fair was a great success with many exhibitors in a variety of events. I saw so many 4-H members displaying their achievements at our fair with pride. Cattle farmers with prized animals strutting around the ring. Horsemen with amazing talents and capabilities with their animals. Our Exhibit Building was filled with baking, home crafts, sewing and quilting. Being able to be a part of it all and celebrate with our community on their achievements has been the highlight of my experience thus far.
This role as your Spencerville Fair Ambassador has brought many external opportunities as well. I have been blessed with the ability to represent Spencerville at neighbouring fairs such as Richmond and Carp. I look forward to partaking in our many upcoming fundraisers such as the Chinese dinner, Ladies Night and more! I am most excited for the annual OAAS Conference in February and the CNE. I am so excited to represent the ‘Biggest Little Fair’ at that level.
Looking onward, this coming season has so much ahead for our little fair. Planning and preparation never stop. I am excited to see you all at our 170th Spencerville Fair and thank you for coming home to your fair.
Danika Carmichael,
Ambassador 2024 - 2025
President — Rebecca Lawrence
First Vice President — Eric Connell
Second Vice President — Micheal Tracey
Treasurer — Vicki Cucman
Secretary — Esther Vrieze
Carla Saunders
Cheryl King-Van Vlack
Cydney Smith
Darlene Dillabough
Heidi Piper-Ward
Jeff Hopkins
Kathryn Connell
Robert Drummond
Roger Miller
Tom Toupin
Aaron Reid
Adam Spiteri
Ashley Lynch
Bobby Campbell
Bonnie Norton
Bryan Cook
Carol Butcher
Carson Illingworth
Chloe Severson
Darcy Dejong
Debbie Connell
Debbie Miller
Debra Jones-Vincent
Dennis Colautti
Diane Schmitz
Dorothy Seeley
Elias Abou-Assaly
Eric Oosterhof
Jeff Roddick
Justin Roddick
Karmel Smith
Katelyn Michalicka
Kaylee Roddick
Krista Shipman
Kristy Drost
Kylie Malanka
Liz Oosterhof
Lyle Skuce
Mark Bond
Michael Stephenson
Paul Bouchard
Philip Malcomnson
Sally Tuffin
Sheila Farrell
Spencer Cook
Stefanie Bishop
Stephanie Summers
Steve Summers
Susan Trivett
Tammy Ferguson
Allen Bibby
Allister Brown
Barb Malcomson
Brandon Shipman
Brenda Dillabough
Brian De Visser
Brian Moore
Chris McIntyre
Connie Porteous
Daniel Lassenba
Darlene Severson
Dave Graham
Doug Cleary
Doug Cook
Edward Cavanagh
Evelyn McWilliams
Jessica Roddick
Jordan Toupin
Joshua Roddick
Julianna Hawkins
Justin Schmitz
Kaitlin Lassenba
Keira Hawkins
Kelsey Banks
Lindsay Reaney
Luceus Bouchard
Luke Mollema
Megan Middlemiss
Michelle Weger
Mike Cucman
Nabil Ould-Brahim
Noah Ward
Richard Malanka
Sarah De Visser
Sherri Leizert
Stacey Bibby
Stephanie Molson
Stephanie Ruddock
Wayne Dillabough
Annie Oosterhof
Jameson Oosterhof
Jillian Malanka
Kaiden Connell
Kendall Connell
Korbin Connell
Ambassador, Danika Carmichael
Junior Ambassador, Macy Prosser
Little Miss, Aria Lefebvre
Little Sir, Korbin Connell
1950-51 : H.E. Baker*
1952-53 : William Burchell*
1954-55 : P.R. Barnard*
1956-57 : W.J. Brown*
1958-59 : John Bruce*
1960-61 : James Magee*
1962-63 : Stanley Price*
1964-65 : Jim Bennett*
1966-67 : Beryl Bruce*
1968-69 : William Hooper*
1970-71 : Ross Somerville*
1972-73 : Fred Martin*
1974-75 : Harold McBryde*
1976-77 : Russell Bennett
1978-79 : David Sloan
1980-81 : Graham Burchell
1982-83 : Muriel Irving*
1984-85 : Andrew Lawrence
1986-87 : Bill Hooper
1988-89 : Carol Shannon
1990-91 : Martin Connell
1992-93 : Glenn Somerville*
1994-95 : Bill Horner
1996-97 : Rod Norton*
1998-00 : Jeff Roddick
2001-02 : Harold Malcomson
2002-04: Sheila Bush
2005-07: Dennis Colautti
2008-10: Brian Seeley*
2010-13: Robert Drummond
2014-16 - Randy Norton
2017-18 - Shelley Stephenson
2019-22 - Julia Roddick
2023-24 - Mike Mills
Michael Barrett, M.P. | Steve Clark, M.P.P.
Andy Lawrence | Elise McBryde | Harold Malcomson | Marilynne Drummond