Coordinator: Sheila Farrell
Committee: Kate Michalicka, Kristy Drost, Rebecca Lawrence

Information for Exhibitors:

  • Please see “General Rules and Regulations” in the beginning pages of the Fair book or online 

  • Pre registration is required 

  • All entry forms are due at the Fair office by 4 pm on the Monday prior to the Fair 

  • Online entries are due by noon on Tuesday the week of the Fair 

  • ALL WORK MUST BE DONE BY THE EXHIBITOR UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Judges have the right to mark exhibits as “For Show Only” if they feel there is obvious adult assistance given. 

  • Work deemed as AI assisted will not be judged. 

  • Each entry must not be entered in previous years 

  • Exhibitor may only one exhibit per section 

  • Be sure to have the correct number of items (3) and give attention to size notations (maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm, 12” x 12”) 

  • Exhibit must be brought in between 6 pm & 9 pm Wednesday night September 10/25, or Thursday morning September 11/25 between 8 am & 10 am. Exhibit buildings close and judging starts at 10 am sharp on Thursday. 

  • Sunday: Exhibit Hall closes at 3:30 pm to prepare for pickup of exhibits 

  • No exhibits shall be removed from exhibit building before 4:30 pm the Sunday of the Fair. 

  • Exhibits not picked up Sunday of the Fair, between 4:30 and 6 pm, will become property of the Spencerville Fair. 

  • Fair share exempt for all Junior Exhibits 

Classes 1 to 10: 1st: $4 2nd: $3; 3rd: $2; ribbons for 1st to 6th place
Class 10, section 6-10: 1st: $5; 2nd: $4; 3rd: $3 ribbons for 1st to 6th place

Additional Prizes:
Most Points in Class:
Exhibitors with the most points overall for each class 1-7 wins: Prize money: $25 and a rosette 

“All prize money DOUBLED THANKS to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor” 

Please read the section descriptions carefully. The judges are obligated to judge accordingly. If the entered item doesn’t fit the description, it cannot be judged. (e.g. painting vs. drawing or teddy bear vs. any stuffed toy) 

Judges have the right to mark exhibits as “For Show Only” if they feel there is obvious adult assistance given 

Classes are based on the exhibitor’s grade level completed by July 1st of this show year :

  • Class 1: Preschool (up to age 4)

  • Class 2: Grades JK and SK

  • Class 3: Grades 1 and 2

  • Class 4: Grades 3 and 4

  • Class 5: Grades 5 and 6

  • Class 6: Grades 7 and 8

  • Class 7: Grades 9 to 12

  • Class 8: Grade JK - 2, Grade 3-6, Grade 7-12

  • Class 9: Grade JK - 2, Grade 3-6, Grade 7-12

  • Class 10: Grade JK - 2, Grade 3-6, Grade 7-8, Grade 9-12



  • 1. Painted pumpkin (1) 

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with modeling clay or playdough on paper plate sealed in plastic 

  • 3. Decorated pencil 

  • 4. Nature craft 

  • 5. Drawing: any subject 

  • 6. Painting: any subject 

  • 7. Puppet made from a paper bag 

  • 8. Paper plate craft 

  • 9. Painted rock or stone 

  • 10. Creative LEGO/Duplo or similar: mounted on cardboard no larger than 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”); completely sealed in plastic bag or wrap. No Kits allowed 

  • 11. Ceramic article (may be store bought or handmade): hand painted by child 

  • 12. Dress a small STUFFED TOY – max height 61 cm (24”) - only costume to be judged 



  • 1. Painted pumpkin (1) 

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with modeling clay or playdough on paper plate sealed in plastic 

  • 3. Decorated pencil 

  • 4. Nature craft 

  • 5. Handmade jewelry – mounted and sealed in plastic 

  • 6. Greeting card – entirely handmade by child 

  • 7. Drawing: any subject 

  • 8. Painting: any subject 

  • 9. Creative LEGO/Duplo or similar: mounted on cardboard no larger than 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”) completely sealed in plastic bag or wrap. No Kits allowed. 

  • 10. Ceramic article (may be store bought or handmade): hand painted by child 

  • 11. Painted rock or stone 

  • 12. Paper plate craft 

  • 13. Handmade Christmas Ornament 

  • 14. Dress a small STUFFED TOY – max height 61 cm (24”) - only costume to be judged 

GRADES 1 & 2:


  • 1. Painted pumpkin (1)

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with modeling clay or playdough on paper plate sealed in plastic

  • 3. Decorated pencil

  • 4. Nature craft

  • 5. Handmade jewelry – mounted and sealed in plastic

  • 6. Greeting card – entirely handmade by child

  • 7. Draw or paint a single object: bird, animal, machine, etc. any media on paper or canvas

  • 8. Draw or paint a scene or landscape any media on paper or canvas

  • 9. Creative LEGO/building blocks: mounted on cardboard no larger than 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”) completely sealed in plastic bag or wrap. No Kits allowed.

  • 10. Ceramic article (may be store bought or handmade): hand painted by child

  • 11. Printing, one sentence: “Spencerville Fair is awesome because ________” (filling in the blank) quality of printing judged

  • 12. Collage: “All about Me” maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”)

  • 13. Harvest craft: for table, wall, door, etc.

  • 14. Dress a small STUFFED TOY – max height 61 cm (24”) - only costume to be judged

  • 15. Make a wind chime/wind mobile

  • 16. Musical instrument from recycled material, judged on appearance and sound

GRADES 3 & 4:


  • 1. Painted pumpkin (1)

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with modeling clay or playdough on paper plate sealed in plastic

  • 3. Decorated pencil

  • 4. Nature craft

  • 5. Handmade jewelry: mounted and sealed in plastic

  • 6. Greeting card – entirely handmade by exhibitor

  • 7. Draw a picture of what you think the Spencerville Fair would have looked like 170 years ago

  • 8. Draw or paint a single object: bird, animal, machine, etc., any media on paper or canvas

  • 9. Draw or paint a scene or landscape: any media on paper or canvas

  • 10. Draw or paint Science Fiction/Fantasy: any media on paper or canvas

  • 11. Create and illustrate your own comic: minimum 3 frames

  • 12. Printing, one sentence: “Spencerville Fair is awesome because ________” (filling in the blank) printing and completed statement to be judged

  • 13. Creative LEGO/building blocks: mounted on cardboard no larger than 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”) completely sealed in plastic bag or wrap. No kits allowed.

  • 14. Collage: “All about Me” maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”)

  • 15. Harvest craft: for table, wall, door, etc.

  • 16. Dress a small TEDDY BEAR – max height 61 cm (24”) - only costume to be judged

  • 17. Make a wind chime or wind mobile

  • 18. Musical instrument from recycled material, judged on appearance and sound

GRADES 5 & 6:


  • 1. Etching on a pumpkin (1) displayed on a foil plate – hint - if you wipe etched area only, with petroleum jelly after etching, your pumpkin will last longer

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with clay/modeling clay on paper plate sealed in plastic

  • 3. Decorated pencil

  • 4. Nature craft

  • 5. Homemade jewelry: mounted on cardboard and sealed in plastic

  • 6. Greeting card – entirely handmade by exhibitor

  • 7. Draw a picture of what you think the Spencerville Fair would have looked like 170 years ago

  • 8. Draw or paint a single object: bird, animal, machine, etc., any media on paper or canvas

  • 9. Draw or paint a scene or landscape: any media on paper or canvas

  • 10. Draw or paint a person or face: any media on paper or canvas

  • 11. Draw or paint Science Fiction/Fantasy: any media on paper or canvas

  • 12. Create and illustrate your own comic: minimum 6 frames

  • 13. Script/cursive/handwriting, one sentence: “Spencerville Fair is awesome because ____” (filling in the blank) quality of handwriting and completed statement to be judged

  • 14. Creative LEGO/building blocks: mounted on cardboard no larger than 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”) completely sealed in plastic bag or wrap. No Kits allowed.

  • 15. Collage: “All about Me” maximum size 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”)

  • 16. Dress a small TEDDY BEAR – max height 61 cm (24”) - only costume to be judged

  • 17. Draw or paint Pop Culture reference: any media on paper or canvas

  • 18. Interesting photo: taken, mounted on cardboard/poster type board and labeled by exhibitor

  • 19. Quilt Block – made of paper or fabric 30cm x 30cm (12” x12”) – judged on design and composition

  • 20. Make a wind chime or wind mobile

GRADES 7 & 8:


  • 1. Etching on a pumpkin (1) displayed on a foil plate – hint - if you wipe etched area only, with petroleum jelly after etching, your pumpkin will last longer

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with clay/modeling clay on paper plate sealed in plastic

  • 3. Nature craft

  • 4. Homemade jewelry: mounted on cardboard and sealed in plastic

  • 5. Greeting card – entirely handmade by exhibitor

  • 6. Knitted or crocheted article

  • 7. Sewing article: machine and/or hand-stitched

  • 8. Draw or paint a single object: bird, animal, machine, etc., any media on paper or canvas

  • 9. Draw or paint a scene/landscape: any media on paper or canvas

  • 10. Draw or paint a portrait: any media on paper or canvas

  • 11. Draw or paint Science Fiction/Fantasy: any media on paper or canvas

  • 12. Draw or paint Pop Culture reference: any media on paper or canvas

  • 13. Draw Zentangle pattern: on paper or canvas

  • 14. Create a small diorama of what you think the Spencerville Fair may have looked like 170 yrs. ago; max 61cm (24”) in any one direction

  • 15. Create and illustrate your own comic: minimum 6 frames

  • 16. Script/cursive/handwriting, one sentence: “Spencerville Fair is awesome because ____” (filling in the blank) quality of handwriting and completed statement to be judged

  • 17. Smash book/Journal: (1) page, with or without photographs, maximum 30cm x 30cm (12” x 12”)

  • 18. Interesting photo: (1) taken, mounted cardboard/poster type board and labeled by exhibitor

  • 19. Quilt Block – made of paper or fabric 30cm x 30cm (12” x12”) – judged on design and composition

  • 20. Make a wind chime or wind mobile

  • 21. Article made with duct tape

  • 22. Small scarecrow (maximum height 61cm (24”)

GRADES 9 - 12:


  • 1. Etching on a pumpkin (1) displayed on a foil plate – hint - if you wipe etched area only, with petroleum jelly after etching, your pumpkin will last longer

  • 2. Hand-sculpted article: made with clay/modeling clay on paper plate sealed in plastic

  • 3. Nature craft

  • 4. Handmade jewelry: mounted and sealed in plastic

  • 5. Knitted or crocheted article

  • 6. Sewing article: machine and/or hand-stitched

  • 7. Quilt Block – made of fabric 30cm x 30cm (12” x12”) – judged on design and composition

  • 8. Draw or paint a single object/still life: any media on paper or canvas

  • 9. Draw or paint a scene/landscape: any media on paper or canvas

  • 10. Draw or paint a portrait: any media on paper or canvas

  • 11. Draw or paint Science Fiction/Fantasy: any media on paper or canvas

  • 12. Draw or paint Pop Culture reference: any media on paper or canvas

  • 13. Draw Zentangle pattern: on paper or canvas

  • 14. Create a small diorama of what you think the Spencerville Fair may have looked like 170 yrs. ago; max 61cm (24”) in any one direction

  • 15. Create and illustrate your own comic: minimum 8 frames

  • 16. Calligraphy/Script/cursive handwriting, one sentence: “Spencerville Fair is awesome because ____” (filling in the blank) quality of handwriting and completed statement to be judged

  • 17. Smash book/Journal: (1 or 2) page, with or without photographs, maximum 30cm x 30cm (12” x 12”) per page

  • 18. Photo collection: minimum of (3) with theme - taken, mounted together, on cardboard/poster type board and labeled by exhibitor

  • 19. Article made with duct tape

  • 20. Wire bending art – 3D no more than 30cm x 30cm (12” x 12”) in any one direction

  • 21. Article of Woodwork

  • 22. Fashion: sketch and colour an outfit that might have been worn to the first Spencerville fair in 1855


When selecting vegetables consider uniformity, size, colour, trueness to shape and correct number requested.
Grade JK-2


  • 1. Potatoes (3) 

  • 2. Carrots (3): greens cut 1” from root 

  • 3. Tomatoes (1): with calyx; full size, not mini 

  • 4. Odd shaped vegetable (1) 

  • 5. A creature made from garden produce and other natural materials in a solid container or on tray 

Grade 3-6


  • 6. Potatoes (3) 

  • 7. Carrots (3): greens cut 1” from root 

  • 8. Cucumbers (2) 

  • 9. Tomatoes (3): with calyx, full size Not mini 

  • 10. Odd shaped vegetable (1) 

  • 11. Vegetable Vehicle: combination of whole or carved vegetables and/or fruit in a solid container or on tray 

Grade 7-12


  • 12. Potatoes (3) 

  • 13. Carrots (3): greens cut 1” from root 

  • 14. Cucumbers (2) 

  • 15. Tomatoes (3): with calyx, full size Not mini 

  • 16. Odd shaped vegetable (1) 

  • 17. An arrangement of 5 different, labeled vegetables, on a sturdy base: maximum 61cm x 61cm (24” x 24”); garden foliage may be used 


When selecting flowers consider uniformity, condition, correct number and no insects or disease.
No buds please unless otherwise stated.
Grade JK-2


  • 1. Marigolds: (3) blooms 

  • 2. Pansies: (3) blooms, any colour(s) 

  • 3. Most unique flower 

  • 4. Floral arrangement: minimum of (3) garden varieties of flowers (buds and greenery may be used) 

  • 5. Artistic arrangement: using natural materials from field and woods (buds may be used); container appropriate to the arrangement, but not necessarily of natural material 

Grade 3-6


  • 6. Petunias: (5) blooms 

  • 7. Pansies: (3) blooms, any colour(s) 

  • 8. Most unique flower 

  • 9. Floral arrangement: minimum of (3) garden varieties of flowers (buds and greenery may be used) 

  • 10. Artistic arrangement: using natural materials from field and woods (buds may be used); container appropriate to the arrangement, but not necessarily of natural material 

Grade 7-12


  • 11. Zinnias: (3) blooms 

  • 12. Dahlia under 5”: (3) blooms, any colour(s) 

  • 13. Most unique flower 

  • 14. Floral arrangement: minimum of (3) garden varieties of flowers (buds and greenery may be used) 

  • 15. Artistic arrangement: using natural materials from field and woods (buds may be used); container appropriate to the arrangement, but not necessarily of natural material 

  • 16. Fantasy Garden no more than 30cm x 30cm (12” x 12”) 


All food must be displayed on study disposable plate and encased in clear plastic. All decorations must be edible. Mark exhibitor’s grade on tag.

Grade JK-2 - Decorations done by exhibitor unassisted (only decorating will be judged)


  • 1. Decorated sugar cookies (3) 

Grade 3-6- Judged on appearance and taste – all decorations must be edible 


  • 2. Decorated cupcakes (2) 

  • 3. Chocolate chip cookies (3): no larger than 7.5cm (3”) each 

Grade 7-12 - Judged on appearance and taste – all decorations must be edible 


  • 4. Brownie squares: (2) iced (no nuts) 

  • 5. Butter tarts (3): no nuts or raisins 

  • 6. Cake: 9” x 9”, or 9” round; decorated for the 170th Anniversary of Spencerville Fair 

Grade 9-12 - Judged on appearance and taste – all decorations must be edible 


  • 7. Brownie squares: (2) iced (no nuts) 

  • 8. Butter tarts (3): no nuts or raisins 

  • 9. Cake: no mixes; 2 layers; decorated for the 170th Anniversary of Spencerville Fair 

  • 10. Any Pumpkin Desert: (one serving) main ingredient must be pumpkin, e.g. pumpkin pie, pumpkin square, pumpkin muffin